All Meetings are held at Blundeston Village Hall ( near the Plough Public House) generally on the second or third Wednesday in the months of March, April, May, October (AGM) and November, beginning at 2 pm with Society notices, followed by the afternoon’s Speaker. At the end of the talk tea/coffee and biscuits are served. Come along and find out things about our local area and industries. You will be made most welcome. Guests welcomed from a wide field.
2024 Meetings
Wednesday 13th March – Richard Mundy – Lowestoft Music Scene, Pt 2, 1965-1969.
Wednesday 17th April – Member Rita Flatt – A Look at Old Lound.
Wednesday 15th May Sandra Delf – A Long Way from Home, Local evacuees.
Wednesday 16th October Philip Stone – “Antiques Roadshow”.
Wednesday 13th November Nick Miller – Edith Cavell.
Present subscriptions are £5.00 per year, or £2.50 per meeting for Visitors.